Jelly Roll Morton, Inventor Of Jazz, Online Book by Alan Lomax

with Some sheet music & lyrics.

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got that poor blind man to sign something, which he didn't understand what he was sienins, and sot awav with everv penny and ever}?- last diamond.
I wondered how he was going to travel without any money, but Jelly Roll Morton showed me. He got his two cars, packed all his belongings in the Cadillac and went and got a big chain and chained it to the rear of the Lincoln and he was ready to start. I asked him to let me go along, but he said, "No, I know my condition, i know if something was to 50 wrong, voifd have hysterics and it would make my heart attack worse/*
The priest came out and begged him. said "Ferdinand, this is November and very bad weather for traveling." Ferd said. "Father, I have just lost mv godmother and mv old godfather is out in California, blind and helpless. He needs mv care. Besides, I ve got to find someplace that is better for mv health. This place is killing me by degrees, and I understand they have sis months of dry weather out in California.**
So the priest told him he could not prevent him and he gave him the Papal blessing, blessed both of the cars, and said Godspeed be with him on his way. Then Ferd drove away hi his Lincoln, towing his Cadillac, headed for California.. That was the last I saw of my husband.
What a man he was to start driving" all the wav to California in the middle of the winter in two cars! What nerve he had! I was so worried, i read in the papers where a bridge collapsed with a car going over it and I was sure it was him. But the next day 1 read where that man had a dog with him and so 1 knew it wasn't Jelly had drowned. When I heard from him next, he wrote from a Catholic Church; he was saving his prayers after they had rescued him from a snowstorm where he had seen a woman and her child frozen to death. Next I heard he was in California.